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Can Blepharoplasty Get Rid of Tired Eyes?

Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, has a wide range of benefits that include reducing the visible signs of the natural aging process. Over time your eyes can begin to appear restless through sagging or drooping of your eyelids giving you an angry or fatigued appearance. Despite your actual physical and mental state, your eyes and your eyelids can give a contradicting impression to the people around you based on your facial expression that is being unintentionally distorted.

Eyelid surgery can help mitigate and even reverse some of the side effects of aging. The primary reason for your eyes and eyelids appearing “tired” is the structural tissue changing around your eyes, which can lead to more concerns as well. Other signs of aging on your eyelids can include wrinkles, puffiness, bulging and protruding skin. This excess skin can even limit your field of vision by obstructing your view. With eyelid surgery, these concerns can be addressed and provide a rejuvenated look to your overall appearance.

Addressing “tired eyes” can warrant various eyelid surgery techniques including upper eyelid surgery, lower eyelid surgery, and double-eyelid surgery. The actual procedure can be performed under local anesthesia or under general anesthesia or sedation by either Dr. Brian Braithwaite or Dr. Lorri Cobbins at The Aesthetic Institute of Chicago. Excess skin, fat, and muscle tissue can be removed or repositioned during surgery. Any loose or drooping skin can be tightened, creating an ideal contour and more youthful look. The entire process usually only takes one to two hours to help improve your “tired eyes.”

Results are often considerably long lasting with patients typically seeing benefits for about 10 years. Other patients have enjoyed results that last much longer. If you want to know more about how to reverse signs of aging or the appearance of “tired eyes” through blepharoplasty, contact our practice today to schedule a consultation!