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What Is a Brazilian Butt Lift?

Designed to amplify the size and/or contour of the buttocks, a Brazilian butt lift can be an excellent option for individuals who are dissatisfied with the appearance of their backside. This procedure can: 

At The Aesthetic Institute of Chicago, Dr. Lorri Cobbins or Dr. Brian Braithwaite can help determine whether a Brazilian butt lift is the most ideal option for your needs and goals. If so, our experienced plastic surgeon(s) can develop a customized treatment plan designed to produce exceptional results. 

What Are the Benefits of a Brazilian Butt Lift?

A Brazilian butt lift offers a range of benefits for individuals looking for ways to enhance contour, shape, and overall appearance of the buttocks. This popular procedure adds volume to the buttocks to produce a fuller look and more rounded shape, while ultimately working to provide a better proportion between the buttocks and the body. Additionally, Brazilian butt lift surgery does not require the placement of buttock implants. In fact, the procedure utilizes one’s own body fat to augment the buttocks. Since the fat harvested for relocation to the buttocks is extracted via liposuction in a separate region of the body, this treatment provides patients with a dual benefit: removal of excess fat in one body area for rejuvenation of another.

Who Is a Candidate for a Brazilian Butt Lift?

Ideal candidates for a Brazilian butt lift are those who would like to enhance the size, shape, and/or general appearance of the buttocks. Patients who are interested in this procedure typically desire an improvement in backside symmetry, volume, and “perkiness.” Good candidates are also those who are in relatively good overall health, have realistic expectations for the results, and have a sufficient amount of excess fatty tissue in another area of the body for effective transfer to the buttocks.

During your initial consultation, our plastic surgeon will talk with you about your goals and help you determine whether Brazilian butt lift surgery is the best option.

What Does the Brazilian Butt Lift Procedure Involve? 

Previously, buttock augmentation had been performed using gluteal implants, which tended to have high complication rates and often produced an unnatural look and feel. With advancements in techniques and materials, a Brazilian butt lift involves the injection of fat harvested from the abdomen, hips, thighs, or other areas of the body that have enough fatty tissue available for transfer. Not only can this technique improve the safety of the procedure, but fat injection can also enable a higher degree of customization and more natural-looking results.

For qualified individuals, fat cells will first be removed from the targeted area(s) using liposuction, which provides the added benefit of body contouring in the specific location. Once harvested, the fat is carefully filtered, purified, and prepped for reinjection into the buttocks via a sterilized syringe and small cannula. Approximately 30% to 40% of fat transferred to the gluteal region typically gets reabsorbed by the body, which means 60% to 70% of the fat should survive for excellent long-term results. To account for this reabsorption, extra fat is often injected for optimal outcomes. 

While a Brazilian butt lift offers many aesthetic benefits, please note that the procedure does not address loose, inelastic skin affecting the buttocks. If this is contributing to the aesthetic concerns in the area, our surgeons can talk with you about other options that may be capable of improving that condition.

How Is Recovery After the Brazilian Butt Lift Procedure?

Following a Brazilian butt lift procedure, a compression garment will need to be worn for six weeks (at a minimum) to help diminish swelling and ensure an ideal shape is maintained. Dr. Braithwaite and Dr. Cobbins typically advise patients to refrain from sitting directly on their backside for three to six weeks, though modified chairs and special cushions can often be used to minimize pressure while seated. Swelling and tenderness can be expected initially, but these side effects should dissipate within one to two weeks. Strenuous physical activity and exercise will need to be avoided for approximately six weeks.

What Can I Expect After My Brazilian Butt Lift? 

Brazilian butt lift results are typically long-lasting for most individuals. The fat cells that were removed via liposuction will not return to the area, and cells that survive the transfer should remain for years. Maintaining a steady weight post-surgery is an important factor for preserving results. 

How Much Does a Brazilian Butt Lift Cost? 

The cost of a Brazilian butt lift varies from patient to patient depending on the customized treatment plan, the extent of treatment, and each individual’s unique needs. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons estimates the average national cost of buttock enhancement procedures such as Brazilian butt lift to be approximately $5,482; however, this is a general estimate. The total price of your procedure at our practice will be based on contributing factors such as: 

Complementary Procedures  

There are multiple cosmetic enhancement procedures that may pair well with a Brazilian butt lift, including:  

Breast Augmentation 

Breast augmentation is a popular surgery that enhances the size, shape, and symmetry of the breasts, typically with the placement of saline or silicone implants. The procedure can restore volume after pregnancy or weight loss and create a fuller look. With breast augmentation and a Brazilian butt lift, a patient’s proportions can be balanced and enhanced even further. 

Breast Lift 

For many new moms, a Brazilian butt lift and a breast lift are complementary post-pregnancy procedures. Medically referred to as mastopexy, a breast lift can also benefit patients who have not had children and are experiencing sagging breasts that have lost firmness over the course of the natural aging process or after significant weight loss. 


The Brazilian butt lift procedure already includes liposuction to remove fat cells from another body area and inject them into the buttocks for contour enhancement. Liposuction can be performed in multiple regions for additional contouring that can provide a more comprehensive body rejuvenation. 

If you have any questions about the Brazilian butt lift procedure, or if you would like to schedule a consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons, please feel free to contact us today. 

Medical Resources for Brazilian Butt Lift 

American Society of Plastic Surgeons – How much does buttock enhancement cost?